
Bishop Chavasse Church of England Primary School

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Bishop Chavasse

Church of England Primary School

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World Book Day

This morning I was met by a wonderful sight as I welcomed children and parents at the school gates. Instead of children dressed in their usual smart, school uniform, this had been replaced by a colorful array of costumes, representing a range of characters from both well known traditional tales to those less familiar characters.


Today, as a school, we came together and celebrated World Book day, an opportunity to sit and enjoy books, spending time talking about our favorite stories and discussing why we enjoy them.  We ensured that we grasped every opportunity to share our love of stories and promote the wonderful pastime of reading.


Our day was made all the more special when so many of our parents came to share their own personal favorites with the children.  Thank you one and all, for demonstrating as always, how wonderful our parent community is, and how active you all are in supporting your child's love of learning.  Thank you also for enabling your child to take part in this special celebration of books and for sharing this memorable event with us today. You certainly have made our day very special.  

