Our local churches
We have strong links with St. Stephen's Church and St Peter and Paul Church and are proud of the excellent relationships we have with them. We make visits to the church throughout the year for whole school celebrations and services. Members of the church staff regularly come into school and work with our children and staff.
Barnes Lodge Care Home
Our children are thrilled to have established links with Barnes Lodge Care Home.
- Community Police Officer: our link Community police officer visits our older children to talk about how to stay safe in the community and their responsibilities as active members of the local community.
- Fire Safety: Our local Fire Safety Officer visits every year to talk to the children about how to respond if they find a fire and how to prevent fires. The children are taught how to 'Stop, Drop and Roll'.
- Road Safety: Presentations and workshops are held for all children to ensure they understand how to stay safe and to reinforce key messages such as the 'Green Cross Code'.
- School Nurse: Height and weight and hearing checks are carried out in Reception.