“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” (Matthew 7:25)
Bishop Chavasse Church of England School Policies are all underpinned by our school parable ‘The Wise and the Foolish Builder.’
Jesus is at the heart of Christianity. As a church school we believe that, like the wise man, those who are guided by the word of God in the Bible and trust in him will become wise, compassionate and honest; be empowered to weather all storms, help one another flourish and make a difference in the world.
Bishop Chavasse School knows and values every wonderfully and uniquely created child and adult. Supported by faith, we establish firm foundations for our children to become resilient, curious, confident, community minded courageous advocates who flourish and thrive. We build on and support the development of the whole person in a safe, happy Christian environment. We inspire everyone to fulfil their potential through our high expectations and a broad, creative and inspirational curriculum; rich in opportunity to develop culture capital, have fun and partake in adventures. Everyone will develop an everlasting love of learning. Our dedicated, passionate staff, supported by parents, Governors and the Tenax Schools Trust are committed to nurturing our community to achieve excellence together in an environment where everyone is wise, trustworthy and compassionate. Pupils will make everlasting friendships and exciting life-long memories.
At Bishop Chavasse School, we recognise the importance of mathematics in children’s everyday lives and for developing their understanding of the world. We aim to equip children with the essential mathematical skills to enable them to succeed at school and in their futures. Mathematics at Bishop Chavasse intends to stimulate children’s curiosity, build resilience and self-confidence to become fluent mathematicians who reason and solve problems logically.
At Bishop Chavasse, our intent is for children to develop a love of mathematics and confidently use their knowledge and understanding to recognise the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives. We understand that our children will have different experiences and exposure to mathematical concepts therefore, our curriculum shows a clear progression in small steps to develop their confidence.
We want our children to be able to remember core mathematical facts, developing their fluency and relational understanding which they can apply to a wide range of problems. This will be done through a carefully planned sequence of learning using a range of concrete and pictorial representations and situations relating to the wider world.
We want every child to leave Bishop Chavasse equipped with the confidence to be independent, risk-taking mathematicians as they begin their journey into the wider world.
At Bishop Chavasse, the EYFS curriculum is taught over the year to coincide with the main topic being taught. As the year progresses, children will be introduced to the Year 1 White Rose small steps to ensure they are ready for the transition to Key Stage 1. In line with the National Curriculum, White Rose is the scheme used as the broad basis for planning from Year 1 – Year 6. Our teaching blocks ensure enough time to revisit concepts throughout the school year, so these are fully embedded.
In addition to daily maths lessons, we are committed to running early bird groups to ensure we secure the fundamentals of mathematics and so no child is left behind. These are short, sharp sessions, often based on concepts covered in class or concepts coming up.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1, children take part in 20 minute ‘Mastering Number’ sessions to secure firm foundations, and these are essential in the development of good number sense. On top of this, KS1 take part in ‘Big Math, Beat That’, which aims to develop quick recall of simple number facts.
In Key Stage 2, TTRS is used consistently to develop secure multiplication and division knowledge. Certificates are given out in weekly assemblies to show the children who have improved their score the most in their class. Children at Bishop Chavasse show real enjoyment in not only competing against each other, but also challenging staff!
Bishop Chavasse aims to provide a high-quality mathematics education by adopting a mastery approach so that all children leave our school with a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts, ready to apply these to further education and in their daily lives.
At Bishop Chavasse, we believe being able to recall key facts, reason and problem solve in a variety of settings and scenarios are imperative to a lifetime of learning. Our mastery approach to teaching Maths enables our pupils to leave at the end of Year 6 as confident Mathematicians with the ability to challenge themselves, take risks with their problem-solving skills and most of all class Maths as a subject they enjoy.