Currently Bishop Chavasse has seven Governors:
Chris Hammond | Chair (Tenax-Appointed) |
Becks Hood | Headteacher (Ex- Officio) |
Anthony Horner | Tenax-Appointed Governor |
Kelly Kyte | Elected Staff Governor |
Robin Ackroyd | Elected Parent Governor |
Emma Spencer | Elected Parent Governor |
Revd Wendy Carr | Tenax-Appointed Governor |
Governors are appointed by the Tenax Board of Trustees, with the exception of the parent governors who are elected by parents, and the staff governor elected by staff.
Our Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Laura Ives.
Our governing body meets once every long term, three times a year, as well as additional meetings for training and development opportunities.
The roles and responsibilities of the Local Governing Body are:
Further details of the LGB's roles and responsibilities are contained in the Terms of Reference document below.
Individual governors also take on specific responsibilities as “link governors” for areas of the curriculum and all aspects of the school’s life. These are detailed in Governor Information document below.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted in writing via the Interim Clerk to the Governing Body, Mrs Laura Ives, either by post using the school postal address, or by email
We are fortunate to have such a dedicated board of governors who are very active within the school; regularly coming into Bishop Chavasse and sharing in the learning taking place.
Further details are provided on the governance arrangements for the Tenax Schools Trust on its website.
Local Governor Opportunity
We are currently looking for governors from our local community to join our school’s Local Governing Body. Our governors come from a range of backgrounds, skills and experience but all share a common interest of wanting the best education and outcomes for the children in our school.
We would be delighted to hear from anyone who is:
Governors gain a great deal from the work and time they contribute. It gives them an opportunity to serve the local community, contribute to children’s education, and a chance to help realise their own potential by learning new skills and practise existing ones. For more detail please read the information note below or contact the School Clerk.