
Bishop Chavasse Church of England Primary School

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Bishop Chavasse

Church of England Primary School

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 

4C and 4R

Welcome to our Year 4 page. Here you will find all of the details about our year group that you will need to know, including your child's topics, class trips and class based activities.

Class Teachers

Our School Day

This is what a typical school day looks like in Year 4.

Our Foundation Subjects:



Design Technology





Physical Education

Religious Education

Relationships, Health Education




In terms 5 and 6, Year 4 will be going swimming. This will be on alternate Wednesday mornings and children must arrive at 8.30am please. Dates are as follows;

4C - 24th April, 8th May, 22nd May, 12th June, 26th June

4R - 1st May, 15th May, 5th June, 19th June, 3rd July

Children will need a named swimming costume/trunks, towel, swimming cap and goggle. Please see the letter  for further information. 


P.E. is taught twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your child should keep their P.E. kit in a named bag in school all week and it should include:

  • A house colour t-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • Black jogging bottoms
  • Black jumper
  • Trainers/plimsoles. 

Please ensure that all items are named as this makes it easier to return items if they are mislaid.


Outdoor Learning

Year 4 will be participating in outdoor learning in Term 6. They will need to come to school in their uniform and bring the following with them:

  • A long sleeved top
  • A waterproof coat
  • Long trousers
  • Wellies
  • Socks
  • Sunhat and sun cream in warmer weather.

Dates for outdoor learning are on the following Wednesdays;

4C - 5th June, 19th June & 17th July

4R - 12th June, 26th June & 17th July



Reading is fundamental to all children's education. In Lower Key Stage 2, we will be focusing on a range of key skills including retrieving and recording information, summarising main ideas, drawing inferences, predicting what might happen next,  explaining the meaning of words in context and discussing, expressing and justifying views about a wide range of texts.


In addition to the reading that your child will engage with at school, they are expected to read at home at least four times a week and should record their reflection in their reading record. Although your child will be more independent with their reading, it is important that you engage in discussions with their reading and on a regular basis, still listen to them read. As a school, we celebrate and recognise how often your child reads using our 'Reading Around the Universe' initiative. 


Your child is responsible for changing their own book once they have completed it. Please can you work with us to encourage your child to choose books from a variety of genres and authors. 


Important Dates and Events 


                         Year 4 trip to Brighton: Thursday 4th July (5pm collection)

Sports Week: 8th - 12th July 
