Early Years Families 2025
Thank you to every family that came to our Open Events held from October 2024 through to January 2025. We have thoroughly enjoyed showing you all around our thriving school and for you to have had the opportunity to see the children engaging in the curriculum and activities.
If you are still wanting to come and see our school, please email the school office on admissions@bishopchavasseschool.org.uk to book a space on our Tuesday morning school tours which are held at 9:15am.
Did you know...
- Our Early Years has been rated Outstanding - Ofsted (2022) said: “Children in Early Years are confident, independent and happy – they love their school. The quality of Early Years provision stands out.”
- Ofsted rated the school Good in July 2022, saying “Pupils are proud of their school. The values of respect and honesty were clear to see. This is a school with purpose and new direction.” Read more at: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/provider/21/144634
- We are proud to be a Church of England school, underpinned by a sound Christian ethos and our values of compassion, honesty and wisdom, which welcomes children of all faiths.
- Our Two Form Entry school opened in 2017, and our modern school building opened in 2019, complete with brand new facilities such as: a dedicated music room, play therapy rooms, extensive outdoor play and learning areas, and a wooded area for Outdoor Learning.
- In 2023, 76.7% of our EY children were “Reaching a Good Level of Development in key curriculum areas” compared with 67.3% nationally.
- Key Stage 2 data 2023 showed that 79.2% were ‘reaching the expected standard’ in reading (68.3% national average); 69.8% in writing (60.1% national average) and 81.1% in maths (70.4% national average)
- We offer wrap-around care from 7.30am to 6.30pm. Our incredible range of after school enrichment clubs includes a different sport every day (from hockey to tag ruby to dodgeball), pottery, painting, dance, French, girls’ football, boxing, gardening and sewing, and a special Early Years club in terms 1 and 2.
- We have a full time, dedicated SENDCO, and play therapists at school: “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Parents … were particularly positive about this aspect of the school” (Ofsted 2022).
- Parents say: “my children love going to Bishop Chavasse: they are thriving academically and socially. There is a real sense of energy and excitement at the school, with lots of special events such as Book Week, and special services at the local churches. My kids particularly loved Sports Week with a mini marathon, climbing wall and different activities every day”.
- Children in every year group receive Outdoor Learning sessions with our two accredited Outdoor Learning teachers. Children learn to swim at a local private school pool. We have a football team, netball team, two choirs and regular music lessons at school.
- We have a thriving PTA, with regular fundraising and fun events for the children. The PTA hold regular events such as a Summer and Christmas Fair, disco's and lots more to raise money for the school!