
Bishop Chavasse Church of England Primary School

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Bishop Chavasse

Church of England Primary School

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Weekly News

Week Ending 6th September 2024


We are happy to share all children in Year 2 have had a successful first week back!


This week we have been busy across both classes revisiting our learning from before the summer. We have spent time catching up with each other’s exciting holiday news, and have focused on writing some amazing holiday recounts all about the wonderful memories that have been made over the past six weeks! Despite the wet weather towards the end of the week, we have also had time to discuss what it means to be part of a team, thinking about how our class is our team and how we can continue to work well together. We took part in some activities outside earlier in the week that created some interesting discussions and brought lots of laughter! One activity involved working out how to move a hula hoop around the circle using no hands! This encouraged lots of teamwork and helped strengthen and develop our teamwork skills. 


We are looking forward to being part of their learning journey and excited to see what this new year will bring.


Hope they have taken the chance to share with you all what they did in school over the week, they were busy bees.
