W/C 3rd September 2024
Year 4 have had a wonderful first week back. The children have enjoyed catching up with old friends and have made some new friends as we have welcomed several new students.
We have written and signed Class charters and reminded everyone of the high expectations we have for them at Bishop Chavasse. All the children have settled into school life quickly and have been working hard already.
We have had a lot of RHE based learning to support children in their return to school. They have been thinking about the skills and qualities that make them special and what strategies help them to learn well and stay on the green zone of regulation. We have developed our teamwork skills by building towers with cocktail sticks and sweets! We then used this to think about strong foundations like in the story of the wise and foolish man from the Bible.
In English, the children have all written a recount of a favourite memory from their holidays. They used first person and past tense as well as some rich vocabulary for description. We have also described what is special about her homes and produced some fantastic descriptive writing which will be proudly displayed on the Wow writing board in the corridor.
We are looking forward to a full timetable of learning next week. In Maths we will be concentrating on place value and partitioning numbers to 1000. In English we will read the book ‘The Comet’ by Joe Todd Stanton and write a newspaper report about a comet landing! We will develop our interview skills and use direct speech and non-direct speech.